The Human Side of Digital
Locker Room for Growth
Tom Fletcher: The Godfather of Camera Angles in Sports

Tom Fletcher: The Godfather of Camera Angles in Sports


You may not know Tom Fletcher as a household name, but you have seen his work. In single-handedly transforming the way we watch sports; he is the man behind the unique camera angles you see in every sports broadcast because of his genius at using robotic cameras.

Here are a few:

*Above the rim and behind the backboard in basketball

*Behind-the-net and inside the net in hockey

*Center ice speed shot for hockey

*Center scoreboard camera in hockey and basketball

*Low-Home - Baseball (MLB)

*Dug out cameras and low-home cameras in major league baseball

*The NFL goal post camera

*The NASCAR speed shot

Given how much we take these innovative camera shots for granted, it’s no surprise that Tom Fletcher has been named to the Sports Broadcasting Hall of Fame in 2023. He also has five national EMMYs for the application of robotic cameras in sports broadcasting.

Fletcher is the president and founder of Momento, a company that provides game attendees camera captures of themselves as a gameday keepsake. He has been the director of marketing, Optical Devices Division, at Fujifilm since 2016.

The Human Side of Digital
Locker Room for Growth
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